
A Beginner’s Guide to Hunting Safely

Estimated read time 3 min read

Hunters and shooters look forward to fall because it is the hunting season. The thrill of the hunt is intoxicating. If you are a beginner, it is crucial that you practice hunting safely whether you are engaged in day or night hunting. Remember that every year, there are many hunting incidents.

Hunting is particularly risky at night because of the darkness. As a hunter, you need to make sure that you have the right equipment starting with your gun and best cheap night vision monocular. The monocular is specifically helpful in locating a target. Technically, monoculars are customized telescope used to magnify images of distant objects. It is considered a lightweight/compact telescope.

lightweight/compact telescope

You already know that your gun is the key to success. With this, it is important that you know gun safety. Here are some gun safety tips that you should consider:

How to treat a firearm

Always treat a firearm as if it is loaded. This kind of thinking can save lives. If you always think that it is loaded, you will handle it with care.

How to point

You have to control the direction of the gun’s muzzle. Do not allow the muzzle of the firearm point at anything that you do not intend to shoot. It is important that you are sure of the target and what is beyond it.

How to shoot

Keep your finger off the trigger and out of the trigger guard until you see the target. If you are ready to shoot, that is the moment you touch the trigger.

How to store firearms

When firearms are not in use, it is prudent to unload it. Storage should also be thought about. When storing, do not forget to separate the firearms and the ammunition.

Other considerations

When you have a loaded firearm, try to avoid climbing a tree or fence or even jump. You have to be still to be safe. Do not shoot at a flat or hard surface even water because it might bounce off, which is dangerous for the people around. More importantly, do not drink alcohol or take mood-altering drugs before and during shooting because it can cloud your judgment.

Gun safety should be a priority when hunting. After focusing on the firearm, the next safety tip is to be prepared. Aside from the gun and night vision scopes, you need a compass or GPS to determine your exact position. You need to tell someone where you are going and when do you plan to return. It is recommended not to hunt alone.

Before going, you need to check the weather and the terrain of the place. It might be rugged and steep. Do not forget to carry a first aid kit in case something happens. The most important thing to do is be aware of your surroundings.