Commodities as investment
There are many companies that offer hard assets instead of the usual standard way of investing in cash, bonds and stock. Hard assets, mostly commodities that have intrinsic value are a safety net for investors when the conventional ways of investing are low. One of these companies, davenport LaRoche, is a leading company in the field of hard asset investments. It offers commodities for investment like gemstones and precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum and palladium. It also offers real estate. But, the biggest and most profitable asset it offers clients is davenport LaRoche containers.
Earning strategy
The Company, which is situated in Hong Kong, offers you shipping containers as its main focal point of investment, by linking you with shipping clients. The shippers pay a monthly fee or a lease and then the Company distributes the earnings. You get it either on a monthly basis or a quarterly basis depending on the plan you opt for. If you buy five or more davenport LaRoche containers you get monthly payments, if you buy less than that you get quarterly payments. The least you can invest in the containers is GBP 9,600. The company guarantees to buy back the containers after five years at the price you paid for them. If you wish to return the containers before five yours you will be paid back at market value which may be less than what you paid for it. The returns you get on your investment are of two kinds. If you opt for the Conservative Leasing Strategy you get guaranteed 12% annually. The Higher Income Leasing Strategy is not fixed. The leasing is for shorter periods which give higher rates and as a rule, you earn more than the Conservative Returns. The returns are not fixed; they can go up or down. But they have usually given very high returns.
Kinds of containers
Containers are constructed according to ISO standards. The fleet consists of containers of all sizes and kinds to suit different clients. A 20’ container costs GBP 1920 and a 40’ container costs GBP 3200 All containers are insured. The average life of a container is twenty years. The buyback policy ensures that the capital is safe. You are not responsible for the content of the container.
The Davenport Laroche company is well- reputed and established in Hong Kong. It is a good place to invest in a safe, profitable and easy way.